Friday, July 16, 2010


This is a great reference book for anyone with chronic conditions or suspects that they may have one.

When I was pregnant with my boys, I had every complication known to man. I wish I had this book then.

The doctors who write it, Jim Sutton and Sagar Nigwekar give you a brief explanation of conditions A-Z and then questions that you should ask your doctor.

They also give you valuable insights on how to have a productive doctors appointment and feel like you learned something and can take care of anything your body throws at you.

"Jim Sutton, RPA-C and Sagar Nigwekar, MD, members of the Rochester General Hospital Medical Staff, today announced the release of their new layman's medical reference work, Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor.

The book will be a valuable guide for patients who do not know the appropriate questions to ask their doctors about their particular condition or treatment. This informative new reference work gives readers the five most important questions to ask at each doctor's visit about virtually any significant medical condition.

President Obama's Nominee for Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, Dr. Donald Berwick, had very positive things to say about this new book:

"Active, informed patients and families can play a key role in protecting and improving the
safety and quality of their own health care. To do this well, they need coaches and good ideas
about how to get involved. This book is full of useful tips to help them speak up with confidence
and become the empowered participants that they can and should be."

Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP
President and CEO, Institute for Health care Improvement

Every minute of every day, in thousands of doctor's offices across the country, there is
information people should know about their medical condition that is not being discussed.
People often forget key questions or sometimes don't even know the right questions to ask. Top
5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor alleviates that problem for any patient.

Categorized by medical condition, this invaluable reference guide is based on questions
submitted and reviewed by hundreds of primary care doctors, specialists, nurses, medical
students and patients. If these simple questions are asked at the time of a medical visit, patients
will walk away knowing more and being more confident about their health.

About the book:

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor by Jim Sutton, RPA-C and Sagar Nigwekar, MD
ISBN: 9781432758264
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Date of publish: May 27, 2010
Pages: 174
S.R.P.: $12.95

About the authors:

Jim Sutton has been a practicing Family Practice Physician Assistant for 23 years. He graduated
from the University of Washington Physician Assistant program in 1987 and completed a
residency in Pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine in 1993. He has spent his career serving
vulnerable patients in Los Angeles, the Middle East and now in urban Rochester, New York, for
Rochester General Health System. He is an Adjunct Clinical Professor for Rochester Institute of
Technology and teaches Physician Assistant students in family medicine at Clinton Family
Health Center in Rochester.

Sagar Nigwekar is a practicing Board Certified Internal Medicine physician at Rochester General
Hospital. He graduated from the University of Mumbai, India and subsequently completed his
post-graduate training at the Rochester General Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program.
He was Chief Medical Resident at Rochester General Hospital in 2005. Since then he has been
teaching medical students and resident physicians at the University of Rochester School of
Medicine and Dentistry. He has recently been selected to join Brigham and Women's
Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital Nephrology Division (Harvard Medical School). He
also conducts translational and clinical research in the areas of hypertension and kidney disease."

You can purchase this book on Amazon for $12.95

** All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I received a copy of this book free of charge for my review thanks to Bostick Communications.**

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