Sunday, June 13, 2010


A couple days ago, I did a review of this great book. Please take a quick minute to read it here-

"In 1685 Scotland, Lady Davina Montgomery is hiding at St. Christopher's Abbey, hoping no one will discover her true identity. When soldiers attack, highlander Rob MacGregor, heir to a clan chief, risks his life to save Davina from the burning building. She remains both stoic and secretive, but the shared dangers of their journey across Scotland and their burgeoning attraction slowly encourage her to open up."

I cant say enough how much I love romance novels. I do enjoy the ones set in another time alittle more.

I greatly enjoy reading about times when women wore fancy dresses, and kings and queens ruled.

That's probably why my favorite movie of all time is Gone With The Wind!!!

This is one of those period books when times are much different then now!

Lady Davina has been living in a convent all her life. She has a terrible secret that she cant share with anyone for fear of loosing them.

She is heavily guarded by the Kings Royal Army, but not many people know why.

One night, there is a savage attack on the convent, and almost all of its inhabitants are murdered.

Robert MacGregor just happens to be traveling by when he notices the flames coming from the convent.

Being is nature to help people (and fight alot!!!) he goes to see what he can do.

While there he is charged with saving Davina and helping her to safety.

Along the way, Robert and Davina start to have feelings for each other.

Soon Robert learns the secret Davina hides, and it puts both of their lives in Jeopardy.

But of course true love prevails!!

I really enjoyed the action scenes as well as the love scenes in this book.

The love scenes were tender and welcoming.

I highly recommend reading this book if you are a sappy romantic like me!!

You can get your own copy at Amazon for $6.99 or.......

You can win a copy here!!!

My new friend Anna has generously agreed to give away 3 copies of this book to lucky Sarah's Blog Of Fun Readers!!!

Entering this giveaway is really easy.

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Giveaway ends on June 29th 2010 at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canada readers only. A valid email address must be in all comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn.

This giveaway was made possible by Hachette Books.

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was given a copy of the book to read for my review*


katsrus said...
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katsrus said...

My favorite book is The Ocean Between by Lynda Coker. I so want to read this book.

Sue B

katsrus said...

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Sue B

katsrus said...

Tell me one other book from their site you would like to read (+1 entry)Dear John~Niolas Sparks

Sue B

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Sue B

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Sue B

fdigsby said...

Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult is my fav.

fdigsby said...

I would like to read A Separate Country.

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Benita said...

I'll say Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes.


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Benita said...

I'd like to read The Bride Collector.


misskallie2000 said...

My favorite book is Final Justice by Fern Michaels. This is one of the Sisterhood (Weekend Warriors) series. Love the series and still have the latest to read. Awesome group of women..Don't mess with Lizzie.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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doreen lamoureux said...

I don't have just one favorite books because I love so many. I really enjoyed reading Beautiful Creastures, Unbridled and The Secret.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Ranurgis said...

I've got so many favorites it's hard to choose, but I'll take one of my "longest-time" favorites: DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT by Elswyth Thane.


Ranurgis said...

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Jess said...

My favorite book is "The Birth House" by Amy MKay

jessalicious01 at yahoo dot com

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jessalicious01 at yahoo dot com

Renee G said...

My favorite book is Cabinet of Curiosities.

Renee G said...

I would also like to read "Still the one".

Elena G said...

My all time favorite is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

Elena G said...

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Elena G said...

Another book I would also like to read is the How to Marry a Duke
By Vicky Dreiling.

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