Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was very excited to be contacted to review The Juppy Baby Walker.

My son, Doug is a little over a year old now and is pulling himself up. He attempts steps, but isn't quite there yet.
Both my Husband and I have back problems (we were hit by an 18 wheeler and pushed into a box truck 6 months before our Wedding (story for another day!!))

So bending over is not a great idea for us.
The Juppy, has an innovative design, so parents can support their Children without putting strain on their backs.
The Juppy comes in this great carrying bag. Perfect for Diaper Bags and Suitcases.

The handles were perfect height for me and I am 5'7"

They were just a little too short for my Husband (6'3") but he still felt a lot less pressure on his back then just bending over.

The seat part of The Juppy is just like any other baby carrier or baby swing. All though I couldn't ask Doug's opinion, he seemed very comfortable in it.

He loved being in it (please see my video at the bottom of this post!!) He still is not quite at the complete walking stage, but he loved bouncing in it and flying (Daddy's idea!!)

I have been working with him in this for the last couple days. I really feel this will be a great tool for him to help learn to walk!!
I wish it was around when Ben was this age.

Revolutionary New Training Aid!

The Juppy® Baby Walker is a recommended training aid for teaching your baby how to walk while saving the strain on your back.

~Help your baby walk sooner while minimizing dangerous falls
~Easy to use anywhere - at the beach, the backyard, or the park
~Suitable for boys and girls - One Size Fits All
~Adjustable straps for the best fit and height of parent
~Safe and comfortable design with zip-up front and padded vest
~Made from high quality, durable fabric
~Easy to clean - Machine Washable
~Customize a Juppy with your baby's name!

If you would like to purchase The Juppy for yourself or as a great Baby Shower gift, you can get one on their site for $19.95.


You can win one here!!!

The generous folks at Juppy have offered one lucky Sarah's Blog Of Fun Reader a Juppy of their own.

I know you will love it as much as we do!!

Entering this giveaway is easy.

Mandatory Entry-
1. Head over to The Juppy site and tell me what your favorite feature is. (+1 entry)
Extra Entries-
1. Become a Facebook Fan of The Juppy
and leave a comment saying I sent you! (I will check!) (+1 entry)

2. Follow The Juppy on Twitter (+1 entry)

3. Grab my BRAND NEW button and tell me where it is (+1 entry)

4. Be an email subscriber of my blog (+2 entries)

5. Follow me on Twitter (+1 entry)

6. Tweet about this giveaway (+1 entry)

Example- Juppy your Baby @ Sarah's Blog of Fun

7. Blog about this giveaway and leave link in your comments (+5 entries)

8. Purchase The Juppy from their site and let me know when you bought it (+5 entries)
That's 18 possible entries!!!

Giveaway ends on July 1st 2010 at 11:59pm. Open to US readers only. A valid email address must be in all comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn.

This giveaway was made possible by The Juppy.
* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was given a Juppy for my review as compensation*


Unknown said...

I like that it has Adjustable straps for the best fit and height of parent.

Unknown said...

I follow juppy on twitter. 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

fb fan of juppy and told them u sent me. amy bolda pugmire.

Momma Told Me said...

I like how the support can be adjusted as your baby learns to walk on their own.
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

cloutierjn said...

I like that it is easier on mommy and daddy's back!

cloutierjn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cloutierjn said...

I am already a fan of Juppy on FB. It is actually how I found your blog:)

cloutierjn said...

I follow Juppy on twitter!

cloutierjn said...

I follow you on twitter! @cloutierjn

cloutierjn said...

I follow you on twitter! @cloutierjn

cloutierjn said...

I tweeted about the giveaway.

fdigsby said...

Easy to clean - Machine Washable is the feature that I like the best.

fdigsby said...

EMAIL suscriber

fdigsby said...

EMAIL suscriber

A Family Completed... said...

I like that it's one size fits all!

Thanks for the chance
TonyaMCrain [at]

A Family Completed... said...

FB Fan of The Juppy: Tonya Crain

A Family Completed... said...

following The Juppy on Twitter @Mom2LinzNOkie

A Family Completed... said...

following on twitter @Mom2LinzNOkie

Frugal Science Gal said...

I love that it is machine washable

frugalsciencegal[at]gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

I follow the Juppy on twitter @Frugalscience

frugalsciencegal[at]gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

I follow you on twitter @FrugalScience

frugalsciencegal[at]gmail [dot] com

Benita said...

My favorite feature is the adjustable straps.


Benita said...

Email subscriber #1


LB said...

I like that it has adjustable straps

petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

LB said...

juppy fb fan and posted

petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

LB said...

follow juppy on tiwtter

petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

LB said...

subscribe via email

petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

LB said...

subscribe via email 2

petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

LB said...


petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

My favorite feature of the Juppy is that it's easily transportable.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

I left a comment on Juppy's Fb page (Jan Worgul Ackerson)
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

I'm an email subscriber #1
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

I'm an email subscriber #2
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

skgaff said...

My favorite feature is the adjustable straps, because my husband and I are both pretty tall and have a hard time finding baby gear that is made for taller parents

skgaff said...

follow the juppy on twitter @skgaff

skgaff said...

email subscriber #1

skgaff said...

email subscriber #2

skgaff said...

follow you on twitter @skgaff

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