Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Congrats this week to Ty!!! She got the double money question right!!!

Here is this weeks question-

What did Yoko Ono ask folks outside the Dakota to stop doing, the night after John Lennon's death?

Answer= SINGING!!!!

Congrats last week to Krystal. She doubled her money!! I forgot to post about it.

Good luck all this week!!!

As most of you know by now, I am a HUGE GAME FAN!!!! I love to play games of all kinds.

Sunday's we go candle pin bowling at the local alley. It's great because it's .50 cents a game!!!

Other days we stay at home and play Risk, Uno, Play Station 2 or Wii.

Before kids, My Husband and I and best friend Chris would play Risk through the night. We were soooooo competitive!!! I was always evil and made secret alliances with both Ben (my Husband) and Chris. We would take turns ganging up on each other. I always seemed too loose though!! :(

I am also an 80's child. I love everything to do with the 80's including trivia!!

So in spirit of my blog title, lets have some more FUN!!!!

I personally love to play games, and win prizes. So I am going to combine the two!!

My question to you all is, Who wants to win a buck or two??

Each week I am going to post a couple questions from my Trivial Pursuit Game (the 80's version!!!)
The first person to comment on the post with the correct answers will win $1!!

Now I know what you are thinking. Wow a whole dollar!! I can retire!!!!

I cant just leave it at that. So we are going to make it a little more interesting.

The person who answers the trivia questions correctly first, will have the chance to double their money!!!

If they want to take a chance, I will give them another trivia question. If they get the answer right (they are the only ones allowed to answer) then they double their winnings to $2!!!

If they get the answer wrong, they loose all winnings. :(

OK, again I know what you are thinking. All this work just for $2??

Not Quite!!!

I am going to play this game for 12 weeks ending on May 18th.

Now the person who wins the most, will also get another prize at the end of the game!!! I haven't decided what yet, but I will let you know.

How does that sound??

Now I do have to post some rules. (Sorry!!)

1. You MUST be a Follower of my blog (I will check)

2. An EMAIL address HAS to be in your comment (I need to contact you if you win) If it isn't in your comment, then you answers are void. I hate to see you do all that work and not even have a chance to win!!! So please make sure your email is there!!!

3. If you choose to DOUBLE your money, you have TWO HOURS to respond with an answer to the next trivia question, that will be EMAILED to you. If you don't respond with-in that time frame, I have to assume you don't know the answer. I will do my best to post at the same time each week, so you know when to expect the trivia questions!!

4. If you DOUBLE your money, and win, that counts as two wins. So at the end of the game, if you win twice, and double twice, you have 4 entries in the final prize!!

5. Have fun!!! I know I will!!!!

So here are this weeks Trivia Questions. Good luck!!!! I will give you one question from each category on the Trivial Pursuit Card. The Wild Card question will be saved for the winner if they choose to Double!!!!

1. (Headlines) Who filled the seat on the U.S. Supeme Court that had been vacated by Potter Stewart?

2. (T.V) What actor found fans deeply smitten with his first TV series character, Victor Sifuentes?

3. (Movies) Whose 1987 death marked the passing of the last surviving star of The Wizard Of Oz?

4. (Music) What phone number did Tommy Tutone immortalize in song?

5. (Sports and Leisure) What swimming stroke "came naturally" to Mary Meagher, whose world records for 100 and 200 meters stood for nearly two decades

Good Luck!!!!!



The Lavender Daisy said...


1. Sandra Day O'Connor
2. Jimmy Smits
3. Ray Bolger
4. 867-5309
5. butterfly

lavenderdaisyblog at yahoo dot com


bustermama said...

1. Sandra Day O'Connor
2. Jimmy Smits
3. Ray Bolger
4. 867-5309
5. butterfly stroke

Holly Lefevre said...

This is fun...I only knew a few answers w/o looking them up...I won't lay....but I love this kind of stuff...and all of your photos up there gave a=me a little flashback!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Congrats Lavender Daisy you won!!!

Would you like to double your money??

The Lavender Daisy said...

Thanks! Yes please I would like to try to double it :)

Sarah Coulsey said...

Ok I am sending you the next question!!!

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