Sunday, April 18, 2010

DEAR SO AND SO...........

When Rita at One2Try posted this, I just had to join in. This is sooooo much fun. If only I had the guts to actually say these things out loud!!!!

Dear Jack Potter (PM General),

I completely understand that the post office is hurting for money. I know that it hurts your $800,000+ salary each year when we only bring in $2 Billion in revenue, instead of $4 Billion. Your plan to cut back the delivery week from 6 to 5 days just makes soooo much sense. It will save soooo much money by putting me and many other faithful employees out of work. The brilliant part about it all is that Post Offices will still be open on Saturdays. So you are saving what $10 a day or so?? As long as that goes in your pocket, that's all that matters!!!!

Dear Family Dollar Store Manager,

I apologize for having the common sense to use coupons. I know that I can be a pain in the butt walking into your store, and actually trying to buy something. I completely understand that your bad attitude towards myself and My Sister is well warranted. You were SO busy talking on the phone, and I had the gull to ask you to ring me out. Oh and all though my coupons gave me stuff for free, and you get paid all that money back plus .08 cents per coupon, according to you it is still stealing and I am just plain WRONG!!! Thank you.

Dear House,

Oh please, oh please keep yourself clean!! I know that having two small children, a dog and a Husband running around makes your job tough, but does it really hurt to keep dirt and dust outside? Oh and self cleaning oven by butt!!!

and one last one for good measure.................

Dear Body,

Yes I am truly sorry. I know that over the last couple years, I have not been nearly as good to you as I was when we were younger. I apologize for not exercising, eating really bad food, and forgetting make-up!! I promise that if you make yourself look like you did when we were 18, I will eat better, exercise more, and just take better care of you. You need to start the process first though!!!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel good? Love them. Have a great day.

Shamrocks and Shenanigans said...

hmm I just may have to do this! I have a long salty list of Dear So and So's lol!
Shamrocks and Shenanigans

Kelly L said...

Great letters... Wish I had the guts to say the things I want to.. opps.. I usually do.. My bad.. and my husband get sooo embarrassed by me.. Of course - I always rant in a nice way...

Love to you

Holly Lefevre said...

I bet these are therapeutic! Can I send that same one to my body!

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