Monday, March 15, 2010


I cant believe I never knew this.

Today, the first work day after Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time, is National Take A Nap Day!!!

Now for everyone who is stuck at work today, go up to your boss and say "I AM TAKING A NAP!!"

For those of us who are home, watching kids, cleaning house, grocery shopping and just doing everything, turn and look at your spouse and say "IT'S YOUR TURN, I AM TAKING A NAP, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!"


Coo Coo Courtney said...

I wanted to let you know that I awarded you an award on my blog! I love your posts always make me smile- Please come by and check it out!

Coo Coo Courtney said...

I wanted to let you know that I awarded you an award on my blog! I love your posts always make me smile- Please come by and check it out!

The Drama Mama said...

I wondered why I am so sleepy today. Unfortunately, my hubby is sick, so getting a nap isn't in the big picture for me today.

Jackie said...

And I may do just that. I just dropped my son off with my parents and have some quiet time. Hopefully I can get everything done though.

Kelly Berkey said...

that was me'd you know! cute blog,
i'm following from ff...thanks for visiting me!
come back when you can stay a while!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I already took mine and I'm not even aware of this Nap Day thingy lol!
btw, I'm your follower now and thanks for visiting my blog. :)

carissa said...

this should seriously be a national holiday!

Kelly L said...

I have been tired ALL day - it makes since and I agree with Carissa this should be a national holiday!

Love to you
a new follower from

Megan said...

What!!?? And I missed it??? Darn. Apparently I need to start reading your blog earlier in the day. :-)

Clairity said...

Thank goodness I had to take a nap to rest my scratchy throat.

Thanks for the follow. Following back now.

Jessica said...

Cheers to that!

Anonymous said...

Love your napping pics! Thanks for the giggle!

Lothiriel said...

Is this for real? I didn't know that! but it makes sense!!!

I nap anyway. lol!

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