Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This past Saturday I went back to work (my outside of the house job!!) for the first time since Christmas Eve.

For those of you who don't know, Christmas day I got very sick. My Husband took me to the hospital and I spent the next 4 days on IV fluid.

I had pancreatitus and gull stones. Two days after the New Year, the gull bladder was removed. Because of the 4 incisions, and the possibility of a hernia, I have not been allowed to lift for the last month.

I am a mail carrier, and lift upwards of 75 lb in the form of boxes or trays of mail daily!!!

I was actually quite excited to go back to work. I missed my co-workers and adult interaction. Not that I don't get it from my fellow bloggers, but you know what I mean!!!!

So any way I am rambling, the reason why I haven't posted much in the last couple days is because I am back to work!!!!

The main point of this post is to thank 3 people for 4 Beautiful Awards!!!!! I was sooooooooo excited to get them. They are my first on here, and I cant begin to tell you the pride I feel for getting them!!!

First I need to thank my friend Beth at We Laugh Until We Cry. She gave me my first TWO awards!!!! The first one is the Beautiful Blogger Award.

The rules for this award are-

1. Thank the person who gave you the award, and post a link to their site.
2. Pass on the Award to about 15 other bloggers who you think are great.

The second award I got from Beth is the Sunshine Award

The rules for this award-

1. Put the award on your blog or within your post
2. Pass the award onto 12 or more bloggers
3. Link the nominees within your post
4. Let the nominees know by commenting on their blogs
5. Thank the person who gave you the award by sending them the link to your post

Now my next award is the Beautiful Blogger Award but this time from my friend Jenna at MN Small Town Mom

The rules for this award are-
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers who you think are fantastic
3. Contact the Bloggers to let them know you gave them the award
4. State 7 facts about yourself

The fourth award I got, Happy 101 Blog Award, was from my friend Crystal at Thrifty and Frugal Living

The rules for this award are-

1. Copy and paste the award on your blog

2. List who gave you the award and their link

3. List 10 things that make you happy

4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and let them know

I was sooooo happy to get one award let alone 4!!!! So I am posting everything together. The blogs I list below are blogs I follow regularly and absolutely love. I highly recommend everyone checking them out. It is well worth it. These are in NO order what so ever. They are just my favorites!!

To Honor these sites, I am awarding them all the Awards I got!!! Congrats to you all!!!

1. Simply Stacie

2. Leslie Loves Veggies

3. Thanks, Mail Carrier

4. Smart Cents Mom

5. A Moms Impression

6. Mavericks Mommy

7. An Island Life

8. The Mommy-Files

9. Jaebumfangirl

10. The Funky Monkey

11. Mad Hatter Mom

12. For The Momma's

13. Cake Mom

14. Nine More Months

15. The Happy Little Wren

16. Rockin Mama

17. My Vegas Mommy

18. Grow Your Own Food

19. Mommy Mandy

20. A Hen's Nest

21. Morgan Gets Thin

22. Bless Their Hearts Mom

23. Mama Dweeb

24. Super Coupon Girl

25. Supah Mommy

26. Melinda Joy

27. Say Something Stacy

28. In the Know Mom

29. Alexanders Playroom

30. Her Christian Home

Seven Facts About Myself-

1. I have a Gorgeous Husband, Two Beautiful Boys, A Perfect Puppy and 3 Furry Bunnies!!

2. I am a Medical Mystery

3. My Favorite Past Time is Sitting in a Nice Warm Tub and Reading

4. My Favorite Place to Vacation to is Disney World

5. The First Thing I Noticed About My Husband Was His Leather Jacket!

6. I am a Huge Couponer. I Hate Paying Full Price

7. My Mothers and Mother In Laws Names Are Both Linda, And Both of my Grandma's Are Named Hilda!!!

Ten Things That Make Me Happy-

1. My Husband

2. My Boys

3. My Pets

4. My Family

5. My Jobs

6. Brownies, and Cadbury Eggs!!!!!

7. Winning Things!!

8. Going on Vacation

9. Hugs

10. Learning New Things

Thank you again for my awards!! I have posted them on my blog and will keep them there with pride!!!


Simply Stacie said...

Congrats on all the awards!! Thank you for thinking of me!!!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Congrats on all the lovely awards.

Yeey, for going back to work. I know exactly what you mean by needed adult interaction.

Tina Kelley said...

Sheesh, you were rained on weren't ya!?! :)

So glad you are feeling better and get to be back at work. I hear ya about needing the adult interaction, I haven't been able to work at my part time job since having wrist surgery in Dec. Can't wait to get back!

Thanks so much for thinking of me.. I really appreciate it!

Annie said...

Oh wow! Thank you so much!! Congrats on 4 awards at once :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awards you're so sweet! Glad you're back to normal life!

Amanda said...

WOW!! Thank you!!!

Sarah Coulsey said...

You are all welcome!!!!

Xenia said...

I'm so glad that you're feeling better - I don't know what I would do without my mail carrier! :)

Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much for passing them my way, you're awesome!

Anonymous said...


omg, thank you so much for listing me (I'm honored~!)

- Alexa aka Jaebumfangirl

Caesar, Cleo & Ben said...

I'm so honored! Thank you so much for including me.

The Mommy-Files said...

Thanks so much for thinking of me :)

Anna Bee said...

Thanks for the award - I'm honoured!

herChristianHome said...

Thanks so much for the award...I appreciate being included on your list!

Sandy S said...

Thanks for the awards! I just put up a post about all the awards that I received.

mavericks_mommy said...

Thanks for the awards!!! I feel Important now!!!

Mavericks Mommy

Jackie Landy said...

Thanks so much for the award. I am honored. Glad you like the site. :)

Melinda said...

thanks for the award!

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